News Results
The latest in science education coverage from the Science News team.
Female candidates twice as likely to get top rating.
A controversial study of Romanian orphans reveals long-term harm to the intellect.
A new report from the Royal Society on improving U.K. science and mathematics education contains a lengthy wish list: Upper-level students should take a lot more science and math; more college graduates with science degrees should go into teaching; current teachers should continually upgrade their skills and have a larger voice in the educational process; and the government should de-emphasize the high-stakes tests used to measure student achievement.
The AAAS National STEM Volunteer Program has awarded seven grants of approximately $12,000 each to nonprofit organizations working with AAAS members, to build collaborations between STEM professionals and K-12 students and teachers.
A collection of Science NOW articles, the daily news service from Science.
Leah Gum's decision to switch from theater into electrical engineering isn't as rare as many experts think.
Biologist Steve Robinson is leaving a high-level White House post for a high school in New York City in a career-long quest to understand the secret behind great teaching.
Meet the master bureaucrat behind President Obama's controversial proposal to reshuffle the federal government's $3-billion-a-year investment in STEM education.
The science education office at the National Institutes of Health may be forced to dump 180 tons of supplemental lessons on a range of health science issues if it loses its funding under a proposed reorganization of federal STEM education programs.
Government funding has powered U.S. research universities to global preeminence. With that support now shaky, can philanthropy help them maintain their lead?